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19 Aug 2023
19 Aug 2023

August 2023 Nonprofit Board Governance Training

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

  • Price: $100.00

The training includes nonprofit basics and explains the need for board governance; seven functions of a nonprofit board; leadership, management, and governance and the role of the board; fiduciary and legal responsibilities; strategic planning; board structure and function; fundraising as board members; and best practices. The training is a blend of presentation, case studies, and discussion.

This training will be held on Saturday, August 19 in HCCF’s conference room. The class will take place from 9 am - 3 pm.  Training will be held face to face. Due to social distancing, seating is limited. 

The training session costs $100, but it will be refunded after completion. Participants must sign up at least 5 business days in advance of the training date. If you are interested in participating in board training, contact Sarah Travis, Office Manager, at 812-738-6668 or