Generosity X 3

Question – when does one equal three? Answer – right now! Thanks to a matching program from Lilly Endowment, Inc., when you start a new Builder’s Fund at the Harrison County Community Foundation (HCCF), or give to an existing one, your gift will be matched by Lilly Endowment Inc. 2:1.
As a result of the match, your $1 becomes $3. A $100 gift equals $300. But any dollar amount may qualify.
Why is this important to you - especially now when the future seems so uncertain? Because HCCF uses Builder’s Fund money to meet our community’s most pressing needs. Builder’s Funds are not restricted to a particular use but instead are flexible to meet ever-changing and unexpected needs.
Do you need another reason to give?
Your gift to a new or existing Builder’s Fund leverages money from out of the county into Harrison County. Lilly Endowment Inc. is a private foundation located in Indianapolis. It was created by members of the Eli Lilly family and it supports programs all over the country.
Once that match money comes into Harrison County, it stays here and is put to work for our community. Money from Builder’s Funds is used to address needs now, but equally important, they provide a means to meet the needs of the future. Builder’s Funds are permanent endowments that will stay in place forever.
Still looking for a reason to give?
Consider honoring or remembering someone special by naming a Builder’s Fund after them. The fund becomes a lasting testament to them. The minimum to establish a new Builder’s Fund is $2,500.
Finally, why act now?
There is a deadline. We have until December 31, 2020 to capture the remaining match Lilly Endowment Inc. is making available to Harrison County. Act now and triple your impact today!
For more information, contact Kim Harmon, Director of Development at 812-738-6668 or