HCCF matches Indiana Arts Commission grants

In 2019, the Harrison County Community Foundation (HCCF) matched Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) grants to seven organizations serving Harrison County. One of those organizations was the Paul W. Ogle Cultural and Community Center at Indiana University Southeast. The Ogle Center’s $5,000 IAC grant and a $5,000 match from HCCF supported its Children and Family Series productions and allowed 466 Harrison County students and 70 chaperones to attend one of the performances for free.
This year, HCCF will continue matching eligible IAC grants to allow Harrison County residents access to quality arts and cultural activities. To request arts-related grant funding from HCCF, Harrison County-serving arts organizations and schools must complete the IAC’s grant application first and provide a copy of the full IAC application to HCCF by the posted deadline: Thursday, March 5 at 4:30 p.m. The IAC grant application is on the IAC’s online grant system, which can be accessed by visiting https://www.in.gov/arts/onlineapplications&reports.htm.
HCCF will match a maximum of $5,000 to individual arts organizations or Harrison County schools who receive an IAC Arts Project Support (APS) grant award. The matching funds reduce or eliminate the organizations’ and schools’ burden to match their grant awards.
The IAC APS grants support a distinct aspect of the organizations’ and schools’ arts activities, such as a one-time event or production; an exhibition; an educational seminar; or a series of related arts activities, such as art classes or training sessions. The IAC will notify its grant recipients by early July 2020.
For more information about the HCCF match for Indiana Arts Commission Arts Project Support grants, contact Anna Curts, HCCF Grants Manager, at 812-738-6668 or annac@hccfindiana.org.