Nonprofit board governance training session can help your organization be effective

How should boards operate in a crisis? What can organizations due to remain stable and sustainable? These are just a couple of the questions nonprofit boards and organizations are attempting to answer.
Building Dynamic Boards of Directors, a nonprofit board governance training session held by the Harrison County Community Foundation (HCCF), can help provide answers for nonprofit board and staff members.
The next session of Building Dynamic Boards of Directors will be able to be completed in one day: Saturday, Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This training is scheduled to be face to face with social distancing in HCCF’s conference room. If health conditions change, the foundation will re-evaluate or reschedule as needed.
June Miller, a nonprofit consultant and a BoardSource certified board governance trainer with more than 20 years of corporate and nonprofit training experience, will lead the nonprofit board training session. Participants will learn how boards of directors can best make decisions that steer the nonprofit’s work. They will also learn about legal duties and responsibilities of board members, and how they are accountable to the Internal Revenue Service, the state Attorney General and the communities they serve.
Nonprofits that apply for grant funding through HCCF are required to have at least one current board member who has completed an HCCF-approved nonprofit board governance training program. Besides this requirement, HCCF encourages nonprofit board and staff members to take advantage of this training opportunity to improve their nonprofits.
There is limited seating due to social distancing. Once participants have RSVP’d and paid for their spot, they will be on the list to attend. The cost of the training is $200, but it will be refunded after completion.
Building Dynamic Boards of Directors will also be offered in two sessions in October from 4 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20 and Tuesday, Oct. 27. Participants would need to attend both trainings in October for completion of the training.
RSVP for either the August or October training session by visiting, calling 812-738-6668 or emailing Sarah Travis, Administrative Assistant, at