Students pursuing healthcare careers can apply for scholarship

Many graduating high school students and young adults may want to pursue a career in healthcare. Whether working in a nursing home, developing technology or medicine, researching diseases, managing records or working directly with patients, the current situation highlights how critical these jobs are to the wellbeing of our community.
The Harrison County Hospital Foundation Scholarship can help graduating high school students and young adults with a passion for helping others get the education they need for a healthcare career. The 2021 Harrison County Hospital Foundation Scholarship Application is available at
Eligible applicants must be graduating from high school or have graduated from high school within the last five years, and they must have plans to complete higher education in a hospital, medical or healthcare-related field. Applicants can be residents of Harrison and Crawford counties in Indiana or Meade County, Ky. Applicants must include a letter of intent, a copy of their high school transcript, a letter of recommendation and verification of acceptance from their chosen college or university.
To be considered, applications must be submitted online by Thursday, April 15 at 4 p.m.
For more information about the Harrison County Hospital Foundation Scholarship, contact Heather Stafford, the Harrison County Community Foundation’s Director of Programs, at 812-738-6668 or