Win, win for families and schools

This school year is running a little differently than any of us have ever experienced. Here is a way to help your school and possibly reduce college costs for your child.
Indiana's 21st Century Scholars Program provides up to four years of undergraduate tuition to income-eligible students at participating colleges or universities in Indiana, as well as step-by-step guidance and support to make sure they succeed in college and receive support to finish their degree.
If you have an 8th-grade student at home, check out this program by visiting or contact your child's counselor for details. We at the Harrison County Community Foundation (HCCF) would not want a child to miss this opportunity!
Also, HCCF is committing $60,000 to be shared by the three Harrison County public school corporations. The amount available to each school corporation is based on the percentage of the school's eligible 8th-grade students who have enrolled in the Evan Bayh 21st Century Scholars Program and are confirmed and accepted by the State of Indiana.
These funds are available for the schools to use to enhance extracurricular student experiences, such as academic competitions; artistic activities such as band, choir or drama club; after-prom events and student achievement incentives. To learn more, contact Anna Curts, Grants Manager, at 812-738-6668 or